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Полезная информация о CPR и стандарте пожарной классификации кабелей

What is CPR?

The purpose of the European Construction Product Regulation (CPR) is to provide reliable information on the performance of products used in buildings, such as floors, ceilings and cladding. This is achieved by agreeing on rules for how construction products are tested and classified. Anyone wishing to introduce a construction product onto the market must test, classify and label the product in accordance with the pan-European CPR rules. Cables were not previously included in the CPR, but will be included once the new standard (EN 50575) is introduced.

General classification of fire properties

Because the fire properties of building products are important for fire safety, we now have common EU regulations on fire classification and testing methods for cables used in buildings. The new EN50575 standard covers power, telecommunications and signal cables for permanent installation in buildings.

Fire grades for cables

The previous fire classes for cables will be replaced by new classifications in accordance with EN 50575. EN 50575 combines standards for testing several parameters, which means that cables will be tested for energy content, spread of fire, smoke, acidity, heat dissipation and drip formation (burning droplets of plastic , spreading fire). There are seven classes: Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca and Fca

Class and explanation

Aca Applies to non-flammable products such as ceramic insulated cables.

B1ca Refers to materials with excellent fire retardant properties. Prevents the spread of flame, suppresses fire, and releases a minimal amount of heat during combustion. Corresponds to the highest class of fire-resistant cables.

B2ca, Cca Refers to materials with good fire-resistant characteristics. Prevents the spread of flame, suppresses fire, and releases a small amount of heat during combustion.

Dca Refers to materials with improved fire-resistant characteristics. Prevents the spread of flame and releases a small amount of heat during combustion.

Eca Includes cables which are fire resistant in small fires but which are not specified to produce heat and smoke.

Fca Indicates that fire properties have not been established.

About PVC, Halogen Free and CPR

Halogen-free is not a requirement under the CPR. But, speaking of fire safety, the most important difference between a halogen-free cable and a PVC cable is that halogen-free cables produce significantly fewer harmful substances and gases when burned. Since smoke production and the spread of harmful particles are two criteria of the new standard, halogen-free cables have a better chance of meeting the new requirements.


Next to the cable class there is an additional marking of subclasses, s, d, a, the lower the digital coefficient the better (example s1 less smoke than s2)

  • ca= cable type telecommunication
  • s1, s2, s3 = amount of smoke during combustion
  • d0, d1, d2 = separation of burning drops
  • a1, a2, a3 = toxicity rating