Cable OKTBg-M(1.5)P-4*12E1-40F3.5/0.30N19-48 monotube, steel corrugated armor
Product Code: ОКТБг-М(1,5)П-4*12Е1
Brands Odeskabel
65.00 грн./m
Price with Tax
In Stock
Optical fiber type
Singlemode SM (OS2) E9/125
Number of fibers
Optical cable design
Corrugated steel armor
Optical cable type
ОКТБг-М(1,5)П (Steel Armour)
Armored fiber-optic cable OKTBg
The cable is designed for manual and mechanized installation in soils of all categories with low, medium and high corrosive aggressiveness, in particular, infested with rodents, except for those prone to frost deformations. It is also possible to install in cable ducts, pipes, blocks, collectors, etc., if there is a risk of damage by rodents.
Cable structure
- Bundles with optical fibers ITU-T G.652 D or G.657A1.
- Hydrophobic thixotropic filler.
- Central tube.
- Strength element - two galvanized steel wires located lengthwise.
- Water-blocking layer - hydrophobic filling.
- Armor - corrugated steel tape.
- Outer sheath - medium-pressure polyethylene.
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